For those of you who don't like bugs, I'm sorry.  But this is a pretty damn colorful fly :)

 Can you find the snake?
 This is a viper of some kind that I didn't notice quite near to our tent until well into the morning. 
Another snake I noticed creep out of the bushes.  A good rule of thumb is if it's black or brown, don't touch it.  Another evening, I spotted a big black snake near our trail with red on its throat.  We chucked rocks at it until it moved away from where we had to be.  
 There are a very many colorful birds about.
It's strange.  All of the birds here are the kinds I'm used to seeing in pet stores.  Sometimes when the sight of these guys interrupts other thoughts, I find myself momentarily panicked that they need to be caught and returned to the cages they escaped from.  Pathetic and inhumane I know, but then I remember that they are wild here and grace the skies with their beautiful colors and horrendous chatter and I am calmed.


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