Lost Passions

I love my friends.  I love my family.  I enjoy my job and my daily activities.  I loved school once upon a time and that time seems so far gone.  My passion used to be school, it used to be biology, but slowly and surely the education system is melting away my interest.  I sit in classes while teachers drone on without inflection about mundane repetitive information and the only sound I can hear is the drip, drip, drip of my enthusiasm-filled tears hitting the top of my desk.  School and biology has made me me.  What will I be if they are gone?  Will my relationships stay the same?  Will my routines stay the same?  How can they if I won't be the same?


  1. These are intelligent meanderings, these thoughts. No - school, Biology, education, the classroom...these are NOT you. And when we figure out that any of these things we use as labels are not us, we are closer to finding that which truly IS. Beautiful pictures as always. Insightful and aware.


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