Festival of Nations I

This past weekend was full of cultures other than my own.  The University of Denver held its Festival of Nations which boasted a dynamic lineup of other country-specific dancers and musicians.  For some reason, none of my friends wanted to attend this event with me.  But this was for the best, I think, because this event was like a teaser for my going abroad experience where there will definitely be only limited numbers of Americans I will be interacting with.

If you've never to been to a cultural festival, I highly recommend you go to one.  The costumes and energy all make for fantastic photographic opportunities.  I've recently been working on getting surreal images to imitate the vivid dreams I have been having.  The Latin performances provided me with ample opportunity to slow down the shutter speed, decrease the exposure, and get some really surreal-looking shots.  Muting the colors later with Picasa further increased their bizarre look.

And every once and a while a still frame depicting reality is good too (especially when it's a shot of a little boy who is supposed to be performing becoming distracted by a girl with a camera).


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