Fish Sticks: A Burial Fit for a Fish

Yes, I exploited a dead fish.  It's fascinating to me what philosophical thoughts can be conjured by moving Fish Sticks from one bowl in her life to another in her death, even if the latter was a toilet bowl.  Does a toilet bowl insinuate negativity because of its most common purpose?  One of its less common jobs is to remove the bodies of dead household fish in style as they dart and swirl out of sight and down the mysterious bleached hole.  The porcelain god grants them one last good swim- a proper funeral for a fish I think.  Personally, I'd rather get flushed than rot in a wooden box that will only shift beneath the earth or be dug up by people a hundred years from now.

Aside from some of the theological and philosophical topics that flushing a fish can stimulate, I liked the composition of Fish Sticks against the porcelain with the drain hole lurking behind her.  It provides for a very simple composition.  I also enjoyed the effects of the flush.  What can be gathered from these photos, though, is that crouching in front of a toilet as a dead fish rests inside it may provide you with some decent shots if you can get past the oddness of your activity.  Don't be afraid to take pictures of weird things in weird places.

The blue tone adds to the melancholy mood in this photo.  

                                                                                                                                    GOODBYE FISH STICKS!


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