I am officially off men.  Three guys in a row.  All bastards.  Thought they were really nice at first- friends with all of them.  All three have girlfriends and came on to me.  Seriously!?  SERIOUSLY!!!!????  It just makes me realize that all guys suck.  Ya, I may find one but it's likely he'll cheat on me.  I think I'm better just focusing on a dog.  I'll have another foster dog this summer.  So looking forward to it.  It's better I don't have someone anyways.  Last summer I left the guy I was with immediately after getting Chuck.  Not that he wasn't a great guy, it's just the dog was enough.  He played, he cuddled, and he didn't hide the fact that he'd let other people rub his belly.


  1. Do you believe you deserve a man to love and cherish and honor you? Look at your habit patterns...three men in a row who already have girlfriends. Do you believe you are unique and deserve a good man, or have you been telling yourself the story that you cannot trust others? Yet, you can trust a dog. A being who we believe to show us unconditional love. Learn from your canine friends. What do they show you that you adore? Show this to people. The energy you project, is the energy you will attract. Time to ask yourself why YOU are attracting these men. They are not "bastards" - that is your perception. They are what they are. But why are you attracting men that cannot serve your true desires? Time to trust yourself and love unconditionally and you will find the man that can see this. Much love. You are on the path.

  2. Alas, seemed I needed to write the above comment for myself. Karma is a funny friend. :)


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