Dreadful Dunedin

It is so cold in Dunedin.  Winter here is nothing like winter in Colorado.  Here it rains for days and the sun ignores us.  It’s a bitter cold- the kind that gets under your skin and seeps into your bones so that you freeze from the inside out.  And there’s no escaping it by going home.  The flats have no insulation and it’s too expensive to turn the heat on.  At night people sleep in their sleeping bags under their sheets.  I try to spend the most time I can in warm places like the library to thaw out.  I take my showers at the gym where I can let the water run hot without worrying about the heating bill and where I can dry off in a warm room.  All I want to do is hibernate.  This weather is shit for my work ethic.  I’ve never been one for much TV but I’m constantly craving for a movie or episode while cradling a hot tea.  Like so many other people, I’m constantly eating, giving in to the evolutionary binge eating that blubbered up our ancestors to get them through the winter.  I must say I’m very excited to come back to Denver to tan my blubber under a hot sun.  26 days.  I just hope I don’t become a popsicle before then.    


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