Inspiring a Women's Weekend

Good friendships are a hard thing to come by.  I count myself lucky at having found so many here in New Zealand.  I know, I know.  Once upon a blog post ago I was bleeding my heart out about how I couldn’t find enough people swimming deeper than the kiddie pool to fill a bathtub.  I’ve found that by being my honest and true self, enjoying where I am, doing what I love, and willingly sharing my zest for life that good people have dove into the deep end by the dozens. 

Somewhere along my travels I was speaking of love with someone.  They told me that I’ve got to stop looking for someone to love, but just keep doing what I love to do and someone who loves them too will find me.  Well, that may or may not be the truth about romantic attraction but it sure is a solid truth for friendships.  Nearly every single one of my good friends I made at DU I made through the Alpine Club.  Almost all of my friendships I enjoy here in New Zealand are with people more or less affiliated with the Tramping Club. 

Two of these people are Alex and Emily.  Alex and I hit it off right away waiting around at a TC meeting.  She is so happy and exudes this contagious excitement for life and the outdoors.  Through her I met Emily who is gentle and interesting and just as keen to be outside.  We spent nearly all weekend being crazy wild women.  We ventured into the Silver Peaks for an eight-hour hike on Saturday (where they had their first hitch hiking experience as we made our way back to our car) and then Sunday night we went bouldering on cave walls at Long Beach, gorged ourselves on Tim Tam cookies, chocolate bars and sour gummy worms, slept under the stars, and woke Monday morning to a golden beach all to ourselves.  Not a bad start to the week if I do say so myself.  On top of it all we had perfect weather all weekend.  It just goes to show that you get back what you put into life. 

Tired of the clichés yet?  Me too.  Until next time…

 From left to right:  Alex, Emily, and that crazy girl with a mop on her head :)
They didn't believe me that the wild blackberries were edible.  After they watched me stain my fingers with quite a few without dying, they delved right in.  This area is chalk full of fresh blackberries.  Yum!
Earnestly hitch hiking.  

 Long Beach...

Flashlight drawings at night.

 Such a nice place to wake up on a Monday morning.
See the sea dragon?


  1. I see you have stumbled upon the true law of attraction. Einstein said it first - it is simple physics...put out the energy you want, and this is the energy you will receive. And these are by far, some of the best photos you have taken! Lush, vivid, bright, invigorating! Bravo! You should open up shop and start selling some - they would definitely sell! Much love, Tristen


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