Punta Gorda
Our afternoon was fairly free after returning from the Garunafauna village and so Seb and I went about Punta Gorda taking photos. It's interesting to see how people can look at the same scene and take completely different shots, obviously revealing the two different observations of the location. This is where creative differences, and also some friendly competition, can help one to grow as a photographer.
And Seb and I have no lack of friendly competition between the two of us. I wouldn't say it's even a conscious competition, but we push each other. And I quite appreciate it. In our first day together, it was obvious that we were going to get along. He's an intellectual, a jack of all trades, extremely sarcastic and witty, and is picky with his friends. Starting to sound familiar?
We got along so well, actually, that there was a day or two of uneasiness amongst everyone excepting Seb on the intentions of our quick closeness. Seb is engaged to a wonderful young woman who was also on the trip. When it came down to it, she couldn't care less and understood our connection was only one of friendship and she's the only one who's thoughts mattered on the subject.
I am so glad that Seb was on this trip. It was nice to have a confidant and someone that understood, or at least could listen to some of the frustrations I was having. I'm not saying I blabbered all my thoughts about certain frustrations among the group (aka people named Kendra), but I was able to listen to him talk and just agree with it, which is enough in a professional setting I think. And since then we've kept in touch and I expect we will long into the future. I introduced him to Troy who is always in need of a good tech guy, and so Seb may be moving to Foco. I would like that very much. It would mean having two more friends there, since Nychele would move with him, and I think Colorado would be a great place for her to find a wildlife management position. It would also mean I would get to see his younger sister Courtney more often.
Courtney is hilarious. And her and Seb together make for an ab ache they can get me laughing so hard. What I love most about the two of them together is that they remind me a lot of Connor and mine's relationship. They're very close and have overcome a lot together. Having the two of them on this trip was a real treat and I couldn't have been luckier with a pair of good people.

And Seb and I have no lack of friendly competition between the two of us. I wouldn't say it's even a conscious competition, but we push each other. And I quite appreciate it. In our first day together, it was obvious that we were going to get along. He's an intellectual, a jack of all trades, extremely sarcastic and witty, and is picky with his friends. Starting to sound familiar?
We got along so well, actually, that there was a day or two of uneasiness amongst everyone excepting Seb on the intentions of our quick closeness. Seb is engaged to a wonderful young woman who was also on the trip. When it came down to it, she couldn't care less and understood our connection was only one of friendship and she's the only one who's thoughts mattered on the subject.
I am so glad that Seb was on this trip. It was nice to have a confidant and someone that understood, or at least could listen to some of the frustrations I was having. I'm not saying I blabbered all my thoughts about certain frustrations among the group (aka people named Kendra), but I was able to listen to him talk and just agree with it, which is enough in a professional setting I think. And since then we've kept in touch and I expect we will long into the future. I introduced him to Troy who is always in need of a good tech guy, and so Seb may be moving to Foco. I would like that very much. It would mean having two more friends there, since Nychele would move with him, and I think Colorado would be a great place for her to find a wildlife management position. It would also mean I would get to see his younger sister Courtney more often.
Courtney is hilarious. And her and Seb together make for an ab ache they can get me laughing so hard. What I love most about the two of them together is that they remind me a lot of Connor and mine's relationship. They're very close and have overcome a lot together. Having the two of them on this trip was a real treat and I couldn't have been luckier with a pair of good people.
Belize has fires that just are left to run their course all over the place. Often the air smells of smoke and is hazy. Not sure how healthy it is for our lungs, but it sure is healthier for the environment than the way we do: aka not letting things burn.
All these pictures of unhappy women kind of crack me up in a morbid way.
Only in developing countries... a little girl in a hammock in the back of a truck full of produce. Definitely a different life.
And then there was Seb.
Our guest house entrance.
Beats me why, but I'm always finding horses in a bind. This guy was tangled all up in a stump on the property and I went and untangled him. He had a respritory infection and was gooping out of his nostrils terribly. Very cute horse though and well tempered. It broke my heart when he tried to follow me out of that yard and kept nickering at me as we walked away. On the way passed him later that day, he was happily munching away. I love horses.
Seb and I spent some time painting with a torch. This is the best we got. Yes, I know the 'z' is an 's.'
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