Native American Pow Wow
If you've never been to a pow wow I strongly suggest you go to one. The vending, the costumes, the songs and the dancing are spectacular. The entire event is a event is a way for Native Americans to celebrate and share their culture. You will see from the number of photographs posted here that I was like a little kid in a candy store. I've had to go through so many pictures since then- one of the reasons it's been so long since my last post.
A quick tid bit: I usually am by myself at these events and usually get looks all the time because I appear to be a photographer. Some people are fine with me taking pictures of them and smile at the camera while others scowl. This day was an interesting day though. I had one gentleman, a commander who had just led his veteran soldiers through the introductory displays, pull me aside and ask for pictures of his vets. We exchanged emails and a few words and off he went. Then there was Theo. I sat down in a chair separated from the others around the circle to watch the dancers. Theo was a good six feet to my left but that didn't deter him from making small talk with me. He was an older gentleman in his fifties. He had long black hair pulled back in a pony tail beneath his cowboy hat and every time he smiled, he revealed a mouth missing several teeth.
We got to talking quite a bit and he told me about his ranch, how he goes out every weekend to Sam's Clubs, Costcos, Safeways and the like to pick up donations that he then personally delivers to needy families living in his same area. He also takes in three families at Thanksgiving time and provides them with food and a warm home. I was pretty impressed. Then, as I was getting ready to go home, he said he had something for me. He pulled out a glass display of beautiful turquoise and silver earrings that he had fashioned himself and told me to pick one. Of course I refused but he was insistent so I ended up going home with a beautiful pair of leaves laced with turquoise decorating my earlobes.
I think that everything happens for a reason. Lately I have been feeling quite negative about people. The friends I have chosen to surround myself with constantly bail, they don't chip in money for food and drinks and events that they use, and they don't put much thought in to others. Maybe it's just the season but it has been making me pretty sad. Then the world sent Theo along to show me that there are good people out there. There are people that break the norm. There are people that care. Surprisingly, almost everyone I spoke to that day at the pow wow were similar to this description. I took a lot of photos of the celebration but I didn't take one of Theo. Now I really wish I had.

A quick tid bit: I usually am by myself at these events and usually get looks all the time because I appear to be a photographer. Some people are fine with me taking pictures of them and smile at the camera while others scowl. This day was an interesting day though. I had one gentleman, a commander who had just led his veteran soldiers through the introductory displays, pull me aside and ask for pictures of his vets. We exchanged emails and a few words and off he went. Then there was Theo. I sat down in a chair separated from the others around the circle to watch the dancers. Theo was a good six feet to my left but that didn't deter him from making small talk with me. He was an older gentleman in his fifties. He had long black hair pulled back in a pony tail beneath his cowboy hat and every time he smiled, he revealed a mouth missing several teeth.
We got to talking quite a bit and he told me about his ranch, how he goes out every weekend to Sam's Clubs, Costcos, Safeways and the like to pick up donations that he then personally delivers to needy families living in his same area. He also takes in three families at Thanksgiving time and provides them with food and a warm home. I was pretty impressed. Then, as I was getting ready to go home, he said he had something for me. He pulled out a glass display of beautiful turquoise and silver earrings that he had fashioned himself and told me to pick one. Of course I refused but he was insistent so I ended up going home with a beautiful pair of leaves laced with turquoise decorating my earlobes.
I think that everything happens for a reason. Lately I have been feeling quite negative about people. The friends I have chosen to surround myself with constantly bail, they don't chip in money for food and drinks and events that they use, and they don't put much thought in to others. Maybe it's just the season but it has been making me pretty sad. Then the world sent Theo along to show me that there are good people out there. There are people that break the norm. There are people that care. Surprisingly, almost everyone I spoke to that day at the pow wow were similar to this description. I took a lot of photos of the celebration but I didn't take one of Theo. Now I really wish I had.
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