Masculine v. Feminine II

I spotted these two far off in the middle of a lake.  Snow was coming down all around them.  Then, as I continued to gaze on the pair, the snowfall stopped for a very short time allowing me to snap a crisp shot.  

What differentiates the words male and masculine?  Female and feminine?  These geese that make up a mating pair are virtually indistinguishable.  One is male and the other female but neither exhibit obvious gender traits.  So what can we learn from their lack of obvious gender characteristics?  Perhaps gender has little effect on what is masculine or feminine and is solely responsible for reproduction.  More importantly, perhaps the greatest lesson to learn from this pair is that a balance should be reached between masculinity and femininity for all beings.  They exhibit astounding beauty and grace but also remarkable strength and endurance as they glide through the frigid waters of this lake.  This balance is represented by the contrast between the light water and the dark reflection mingling in the wake of the geeseā€™s path.  


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