Do it a little different...

Sometimes it feels good to take a chance, do something different, and succeed. I'm an exchange student- an oddball. I don't know the education system here in Dunedin as well as my fellow students but I'm holding my own. The best way to do it is be original, keep your professors and TA's interested. Give them something new.

I just received my first ever New Zealand essay back today and I got top marks. It was for a Geography course: Resource Evaluation and Planning, and we had been given the task of approaching one of five topics given to us like a journalist, critically analyzing the different opinions and actions of the various stake holders. I asked if I could do a different topic than the original five, hopefully gaining the ability to write something I was more passionate about. It paid off. Below is the essay. Because it is something I am passionate about, I would greatly appreciate if you took the time to even just skim over it to get the general gist of the conflict.


  1. Beautifully written piece. Bravo, my young bard! ;) And thank you SO much for the lovely postcard - I can't wait to travel to New Zealand one day - you are right - I am in awe simply from the picture. Additionally, it came at exactly the right time - a much-needed boost! So, with your permission, I will use an old student's college essay as an exemplar for how to properly cite one's work, as it seems the youngster's here are not quite catching on! Much love, Tristen


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